SGM-SF_2017with 12/20 Revisions

17 SGM-SF A reference chart of Lower Explosion Limits (LEL) Gases and Vapors LEL in % by volume of air NFPA Class Flash point Ethanol, Ethyl Alcohol 3 – 3.3 IB 12.8°C (55°F) 2-Ethoxyethanol 3 43°C 2-Ethoxyethyl acetate 2 56°C Ethyl acetate 2 IA -4°C Ethylamine 3.5 IA -17 °C Ethylbenzene 1.0 15-20 °C Ethylene 2.7 IA Ethylene glycol 3 111°C Ethylene oxide 3 IA −20 °C Ethyl Chloride 3.8 IA −50°C Ethyl Mercaptan IA Fuel oil No.1 0.7 Furan 2 IA -36°C Gasoline (100 Octane) 1.4 IB < −40°C (−40°F) Glycerol 3 199°C Heptane, n-Heptane 1.05 -4°C Hexane, n-Hexane 1.1 -22°C Hydrogen, dihydrogen, molecular H with two protons together 4 IA Flammable gas Hydrogen sulfide 4.3 IA Flammable gas Isobutane 1.8 IA Flammable gas Isobutyl alcohol 2 28°C Isophorone 1 84°C Isopropyl alcohol, Isopropanol 2 IB 12°C Isopropyl chloride IA Kerosene Jet A-1 0.6 – 0.7 II >38°C (100°F) as jet fuel Lithium Hydride IA 2-Mercaptoethanol IIIA Methane (Natural Gas) 4.4 – 5 IA Flammable gas Methyl acetate 3 -10°C Methyl Alcohol, Methanol 6 – 6.7 IB 11°C Methylamine IA 8°C Methyl Chloride 10.7 IA -46 °C Methyl ether IA −41 °C Methyl ethyl ether IA Methyl ethyl ketone 1.8 IB -6°C Methyl formate IA A reference chart of Lower Explosion Limits (LEL) Gases and Vapors LEL in % by volume of air NFPA Class Flash point Methyl mercaptan 3.9 IA -53°C Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 1.6 IB -10°C Morpholine 1.8 IC 31 – 37.7°C Naphthalene 0.9 IIIA 79 – 87 °C Neohexane 1.19 −29 °C Nickel tetracarbonyl 2 4 °C Nitrobenzene 2 IIIA 88°C Nitromethane 7.3 35°C Octane 1 13°C iso-Octane 0.79 Pentane 1.5 IA -40 to -49°C n-Pentane 1.4 IA iso-Pentane 1.32 IA Perchloroethylene (PERC) 13 none Phosphine IA Propane 2.1 IA Flammable gas Propyl acetate 2 13°C Propylene 2.0 IA -108°C Propylene Oxide 2.3 IA Pyridine 2 20 Silane 1.5 IA Styrene 1.1 IB 31 – 32.2°C Tetrachloroethene (PCE) none Tetrafluoroethylene IA Tetrahydrofuran 2 IB -14°C Toluene 1.2-1.27 IB 4.4°C Trichloroethene (TCE) 6 none Triethylborane -20°C Trimethylamine IA Flammable gas Trinitrobenzene IA Turpentine 0.8 IC 35°C Vegetable oil IIIB 327°C Vinyl acetate 2.6 −8 °C Vinyl chloride 3.6 Xylenes 0.9 – 1.0 IC 27 – 32°C m-Xylene 1.1 IC 25°C o-Xylene IC 17 °C p-Xylene 1.0 IC 27.2°C Continued A reference for Lower Explosion Limits (LEL) for certain common chemicals