SGM-SF_2017with 12/20 Revisions

11 SGM-SF CG SECTION 8.0 REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL SYSTEMS 8.1 OM&M Plan Required 8.2 Fan Monitors Be it a single-family home or multiple properties under the same management, written instructions for how to maintain and monitor for system failure are required. OM&M plans become more detailed when they apply to multiple systems or complex mitigation methods. Fans or air handlers associated with the mitigation system require fan monitors that indicate fan failure or changes in fan performance. 8.3 Electrical Requirements SGM-SF provides a few specific requirements and reminds professionals of electrical codes that are critical for occupant safety. CODE EXAMPLES RELEVANT TO ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS This portion of the publication reproduces selected sections from the 2015 edition of the International Residential Code (IRC), International Code Council, Inc., Falls Church, Virginia. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. Code examples: IRC® CHAPTER 37 BRANCH CIRCUIT AND FEEDER REQUIREMENTS E3701.4 Branch circuits with more than one receptacle. Conductors of branch circuits supplying more than one receptacle for cord-and-plug-connected portable loads shall have ampacities of not less than the rating of the branch circuit. E3702.7 Branch circuits serving motor-operated and combination loads. For circuits supplying loads consisting of motor-operated utilization equipment that is fastened in place and that has a motor larger than 1/8 horsepower (0.093 kW) in combination with other loads, the total calculated load shall be based on 125 percent of the largest motor load plus the sum of the other loads. E3702.14 Branch-circuits requirement – summary CIRCUIT RATING 15 amp 20 amp 30 amp Conductors: Minimum size (AWG) circuit conductors 12 10 Maximum overcurrent- protection device rating Amerpere rating 20 30 Outlet devices: Lampholders permitted Receptacle rating (amperes) Any type 15 maximum Any type 15 or 20 N/A 30 Maximum load (amperes) 15 20 30 TABLE 3702.14 BRANCH-CIRCUIT REQUIREMENTS-SUMMARY Note: Where it is unavoidable that membrane edges are left unclosed, the mitigation method combines Sub- Membrane Depressurization (SMD), Soil gas dilution and/or Crawl Space Depressurization (CSD). Be certain to comply with requirements associated with each method and include the details in the client’s OM&M plan (e.g., information packet). 7.8 Drains Considerations for radon entry or loss of PFE include where a drain represents an opening between soil gas and living spaces or outside air. 7.9 Sealed Isolation Assemblies Advisory—To depressurize or pressurize a partitioned crawlspace, wall cavity or the entire building, closure of all outer boundaries of a constructed or partitioned airspace is needed to control the path of soil gas migration. Creation of access ports may be required.