SGM-SF_2017with 12/20 Revisions

16 SGM-SF Flammable / Combustible / Explosive Gases and Vapors A reference for Lower Explosion Limits (LEL) for certain common chemicals A reference chart of Lower Explosion Limits (LEL) Gases and Vapors LEL in % by volume of air NFPA Class Flash point Acetaldehyde 4.0 IA -39°C Acetic acid (glacial) 4 II 39°C to 43°C Acetic anhydride II 54°C Acetone 2.6-3 IB -17°C Acetonitrile IB 2°C Acetyl chloride 7.3 IB 5°C Acetylene 2.5 -18°C Acrolein 2.8 IB -26°C Acrylonitrile 3.0 IB 0°C Allyl chloride 2.9 IB -32 °C Ammonia 15 IIIB 11°C Arsine 4.5 – 5.1 IA Flammable gas Benzene 1.2 IB -11°C 1,3-Butadiene 2.0 IA -85°C Butane, n-Butane 1.6 IA -60°C n-Butyl acetate, Butyl acetate 1 – 1.7 IB 24°C Butyl alcohol, Butanol 1 IC 29°C n-Butanol 1.4 IC 35°C n-Butyl chloride, 1- chlorobutane 1.8 IB -6°C n-Butyl mercaptan 1.4 IB 2°C Butyl methyl ketone, 2-Hexanone 1 IC 25°C Butylene, 1-Butylene, 1-Butene 1.98 IA -80°C Carbon disulfide 1.0 IB -30°C Carbon Monoxide 12 IA -191°C Flammable gas Chlorine monoxide IA Flammable gas 1-Chloro-1,1- difluoroethane 6.2 IA -65°C Flammable Gas Cyanogen 6.0 – 6.6 IA Flammable gas Cyclobutane 1.8 IA - 63.9° C [11] Cyclohexane 1.3 IB -18°C - - 20°C Cyclohexanol 1 IIIA 68°C A reference chart of Lower Explosion Limits (LEL) Gases and Vapors LEL in % by volume of air NFPA Class Flash point Cyclohexanone 1 – 1.1 II 43.9 – 44°C Cyclopentane 1.5 – 2 IB - 37 to - 38.9°C Cyclopropane 2.4 IA -94.4°C Decane 0.8 II 46.1°C Diborane 0.8 IA -90°C Flammable gas o-Dichlorobenzene, 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 2 IIIA 65°C 1,1-Dichloroethane 6 IB 14°C 1,2-Dichloroethane 6 IB 13°C 1,1-Dichloroethene 6.5 IA -10°C Flammable gas Dichlorofluoromethane Non flammable, - 36.1°C Dichloromethane, Methylene chloride 16 Non flammable Dichlorosilane 4 – 4.7 IA -28 °C Diesel fuel 0.6 IIIA >62°C (143°F) Diethanolamine 2 IB 169°C Diethylamine 1.8 IB -23°C to – 26°C Diethyl disulfide 1.2 II 38.9°C Diethyl ether 1.9 – 2 IA -45°C Diethyl sulfide IB -10°C 1,1-Difluoroethane 3.7 IA -81.1°C 1,1-Difluoroethylene 5.5 -126.1°C Diisobutyl ketone 1 49°C Diisopropyl ether 1 IB -28°C Dimethylamine 2.8 IA Flammable gas 1,1-Dimethyl hydrazine IB Dimethyl sulfide IA -49°C Dimethyl sulfoxide 2.6 – 3 IIIB 88 – 95°C 1,4-Dioxane 2 IB 12°C Epichlorohydrin 4 31°C Ethane 3 IA -135 °C Flammable gas