SGM-SF_2017with 12/20 Revisions

18 SGM-SF SGM-SF Discussion 13.4.6 Sealant materials 13.4.7 Soil gas retarder materials Considerations are required regarding chemicals of concern in sealant curing compounds and soil gas retarders that resist degradation. 11.5.8 Systemmonitors 13.4.9 Labeling Advisory— Enhanced fan monitor choices can sometimes be warranted and labels require for appropriate verbiage. Post-Mitigation Functional Inspection For discussion of PFE adequacy, see CG 5.5.1 ). Initial Post-Mitigation Testing (chemicals of concern) The Soil Gas Mitigation Professional is not obligated to ensure post- mitigation testing and other monitoring events are conducted. 13.6 Rapid Response Situations Advisory— There are limits on temporary solutions. 13.7 DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED FOR CHEMICAL VAPOR INTRUSION 13.7.1 Occupant Information Client Operations Manual Table 13.7: Operation & Maintenance Section13.7 spells out detailed documentation required to be provided by the soil gas mitigation professional. Final editing and packaging is often a joint effort with members of the overseeing team. SGM-SF Discussion CG INFORMATIVE APPENDIX A CHEMICAL VAPOR INTRUSION A-1 Understanding of General Chemical Exposure Concerns Section A-1 introduces basic concepts that are important to understand when mitigating chemical vapor intrusion. A-2.1 Roles and responsibilities A-2.2 Mitigator Commissioning Needs A-2.3 Communication Plan A-2.1 For Commissioning teams— Information is provided regarding needs of the mitigator during commissioning that also include appropriate establishment for lines of communication.