RMS-MF 2018 with 12/20 Addenda
Companion Guidance—Section D AARST Informational CG 6 Companion Guidance RMS- MF 2018 4.0 Quality management systems Summary Of The Quality Plan & Control 4.2.1 Documented procedures • Procedures (each juncture that may warrant written procedures). • Interaction between the processes; and • Control of documents and records (to include approvals, reviews, updates, distribution and storage. At a minimum, procedures should include recording conditions found and resulting "as installed" condition or configuration for: • Each ASD suction point (See Section 6.1 ); • ASD Pipe materials (See Section 6.2 ); • ASD Pipe sizing (See Section 6.3 ); • ASD Exhaust Discharge (See Section 6.4 ); • ASD Fan and model installed (See Section 6.5 ); • Sealing (Sections 7.1 - 7.4 ), Sump (Section 7.5 ), Membranes (Section 7.6 ), Drains (Section 7.8 ), and Sealed Assemblies (Section 7.9 ); • Fan Monitors (See Section 8.2 ); • Electrical (See Section 8.3 ); • Labeling (See Section 8.4 ); • Post install functional inspection (See Section 9.1 ); • Post mitigation retests (See Section 9.2 ); • Long-Term OM&M Plans - in detail (See Section 10 ); • Health and Safety - in detail (See Section 11 ); • Non-ASD Methods - in detail (See Section 12 ); 5.0 "Management Responsibility" (Top Management Personnel) 5.1 Management commitment Develop and implement a quality management system and continually improving its effectiveness by • communicating to the organization, • conducting reviews, and • ensuring the availability of resources. 5.2 Customer focus Ensure that customer requirements are determined and are met. 5.3 Quality policy Ensure that the quality policy is: appropriate; includes commitment to comply and continually improve; and is communicated and understood within the organization. 5.4 Planning Ensure that the planning of the QMS is carried out and its integrity is maintained. 5.5 Responsibility, authority and communication Ensure responsibilities and authorities are defined and communicated within the organization. This effectively requires that all top management personnel and any key personal are identified in the plan. 5.5 Management review Review the quality management system, at planned intervals, to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. 6.0 Resource management; 6.2 "Human Resources" Personnel performing work shall be competent on the basis of appropriate education, training, skills and experience. 6.3 "Infrastructure" For equipment, materials and support services needed to achieve quality. 7.0, 7.3 1 Design planning: The organization shall plan and control the design and development. 7.3.2 Design Input Standards, codes, customer and site-specific needs. 7.3.3 Verifiable Design Outputs 1) Compliant to standards, codes and consumer satisfaction; 2) Objectives for health protection. 7.3.4 Design review: Participants to include representatives of functions concerned with the design and development stage(s) being reviewed. 7.3.4 Design validation: Compare input needs to expected outputs . Is the system is capable of meeting the quality objectives? 7.4.3 Verification of installation Inspection to ensure the installed configuration meets quality requirements. 8.0 Analysis and improvement 8.2.3 Monitoring Apply suitable methods for monitoring and, where applicable, measurement of the effectiveness of QMS processes. Compare plan inputs to the resulting output. 8.3 Control of failed quality Take action appropriate to the effects, or potential effects, of the failure.
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