RMS-MF 2018 with 12/20 Addenda
Description of Terms 56 ANSI/AARST RMS-MF 2018 (with 1220 addenda) Radon Mitigation Standards for Multifamily Buildings Intentional collateral mitigation: ASD system(s) intentionally designed to reduce radon concentrations inmultiple dwellings that have each been identified by testing to indicate radon concentrations that exceed acceptable limits. Jurisdictional authorities: Governing authorities that regulate specific installation requirements or manner of activities will normally include a combination of authoritative bodies as a result of laws or other requirements adopted at a local municipality, county, province or state. In addition, national jurisdiction will apply for a variety of activities that are regulated as a result of federal statues. In some cases, tribal or international laws or treaties result in an authority that holds jurisdiction over certain activities. Mechanically fastened: A means of connection such as for duct joints or electrical connections that entails more than a pressure fit, glued or twist connection (i.e. mechanical screws employed to secure connection of wiring or ducting). Mitigation: System or steps to reduce radon concentrations or other pollutants in the indoor air of a building. Mitigation Installer: A staff member or sub- contractor who participates in installation of the mitigation system(s) and therefore, regardless of qualifications or other obligations herein, is included in considerations for worker health and safety. Nontransient: Occupancy of more than 31 days. Normal occupied operating conditions: The operational condition for the building or unique sector of the building that exists during the greatest amount of significantly occupied time. Normative: Provisions or referenced documents that state practices considered mandatory and required by this document. Occupied: Any area of the building that is occupied on a regular basis for more than 4 hours a day. See “Significantly occupied” and “Occupied work or school weeks” Occupied work or school weeks: Those weeks that do not include vacation days such as national or religious holidays, winter breaks or similar weeks where test conditions do not represent normal occupied operating conditions for the building. See “Normal Occupied Operating Condition”, “Occupied” and “Significantly occupied”. Operation, Maintenance and Monitoring Plan (OM&M): A document that includes information on the operation and maintenance of installed system(s) and guidance for monitoring the effectiveness of the system in the future. Operations Manual : A document that is normally compiled by the mitigator to provide requirements and guidance for operation and maintenance of the mitigation system(s). This manual is a component of an Operation, Maintenance and Monitoring Plan (OM&M) that additionally includes information on monitoring effectiveness of the system. Overseeing Professional: An individual or firm that aids to assemble and coordinate a qualified team of professionals of diverse skill sets. Overseeing Team: Those individuals associate with project commissioning for vapor intrusion projects that normally include: Responsible Parties; Regulatory Authorities when compliance with local, state or federal regulatory standards is required; and An Overseeing Professional to assemble and coordinate a qualified team of professionals of diverse skill sets. Picocurie per liter (pCi/L): A unit of concentration radioactivity corresponding to 0.037 decays per second or 2.22 decays per minute in a liter of air or water. 1 pCi/L = 37 becquerels per cubic meter (Bq/m 3 ). Pressure field Extension (PFE): The distance that a pressure change, created by drawing soil-gas through a suction point , extends outward in a sub-slab gas permeable layer, under a membrane, behind a solid wall or in a hollow wall. Pressure field Extension Test: A diagnostic procedure to evaluate the potential effectiveness of an ASD system by using a shop vacuum or other fan or vacuum device to draw air from the space below a slab or from the cavities inside a block wall. Measuring the change in pressure at various small test holes through the slab or the block wall using a micro-manometer or heatless smoke can provide evidence of the potential effectiveness of an ASD system. Pressure field Extension Analysis: For ASD design and optimization, an analysis of 1) qualitative evidence for the distance potential of Pressure Field Extension, and 2) quantitative measurements employed for determining vacuum pressure and air flow volumes required to achieve a consistent vacuum across the area observed for Pressure Field Extension. Pressurization: A positive pressure induced in one area relative to another. Qualified Radon Measurement Professional: An individual who has demonstrated a minimum degree of appropriate technical knowledge and skills specific to radon measurement. QualifiedMitigation Professional: For the purpose of this document, an individual who has demonstrated a minimumdegree of appropriate technical knowledge and skills specific to radon or soil gas mitigation . Qualified Radon Mitigation Professional: For the purpose of this document, an individual who has demonstrated a minimum degree of appropriate technical knowledge and skills specific to radon mitigation . Qualified Soil Gas Mitigation Professional: For the purpose of this document, an individual who has demonstrated a minimum degree of appropriate technical knowledge and skills specific to radon mitigation and additionally specific to mitigation of soil gas that contains hazardous chemicals, vapors or gas.
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