RMS-MF 2018 with 12/20 Addenda

System Design 7 ANSI/AARST RMS-MF 2018 (with 1220 addenda) Radon Mitigation Standards for Multifamily Buildings d) Request Notification to Occupants The contractor shall request that the client assign a responsible party to make all appropriate notifications to occupants and facilitating staff about the temporary nature of the system and related health risk. Note—It is recommended that the contractor obtain signed acknowledgment from the client that the request for notification to occupants was received. 5.4 Nondestructive Investigation An investigation of the common building structure(s) shall be conducted by a qualified mitigation professional prior to initiating any mitigation work. Note—The investigation is intended to identify any specific building characteristics and configurations that may affect the design, installation and effectiveness of a mitigation system. Informative advisory —When portions of building are used for non-residential purposes and/or contain ventilation systems more elaborate than basic heating and cooling, see ANSI/AARST RMS-LB Radon Mitigation Standards for Schools and Large Buildings for appropriate additional practices. 5.4.1 Document review Informative advisory —The contractor should review all available construction drawings, specifications and other information regarding the building that might be of value in determining the mitigation strategy. Subject to limitations on what clients make available and what the contractor deems pertinent, the contractor should: a) Review available radon measurements; b) Review any information made available by the client regarding known hazards; and c) Review available specifications, such as: 1. Foundation specifications; 2. Heating, cooling and ventilation (HVAC) operational specifications and schedules; 3. Other mechanical systems such fire protection, electrical service, plumbing and any existing mitigation system for radon or other pollutants; and 4. Plans, should there be any, for renovations. 5.4.2 Create diagrams A floor plan diagram shall be developed or procured such as may be complemented with a series of diagrams or with photographic documentation for all ground contact areas of the building to be mitigated. Informative advisory —The diagram(s) should include: a) Foundation Types: Illustrations of the building foundation including all slab-on-grade, basement and crawl space areas; b) Floor Plan: The location of all ground contact rooms; c) Construction Practices: Notations of foundation building materials and design, including suspected aggregate or soil types that may be under each portion of the building; d) Construction Features: The location of construction features that may impact system performance such as suspected interior foundation footers, the HVAC systems and any sub-slab ducting; and e) Radon Entry Points: Notation of suspected or confirmed significant soil air entry points as well as the results of any diagnostic testing. Informative advisory —At least one diagram should be annotated with the location and results of all available radon measurements. 5.4.3 Visually inspect the building A visual inspection shall be conducted to help identify any specific building characteristics, hazards and configurations that may affect the design, installation and effectiveness of a mitigation system. Note—Examples include: Figure 5.4.2