RMS-MF 2018 with 12/20 Addenda

ANSI/AARST RMS-MF 2018 (with 12/20 addenda) Introduction ii Adoption These standards of practice can be adopted as requirements for contractual relationships or adopted as recommendations or requirements of an authority or jurisdiction such as for private proficiency programs, a state radon program or other governmental body. AARST recommends that any authority or jurisdiction considering substantial modifications of this document as a condition of its use seek consensus within the consortium process at AARST Consortiumon National Radon Standards prior to adopting a modified version. This provides the jurisdiction with a higher degree of expertise across diverse stakeholders and offers the Consortium on National Radon Standards an opportunity to update this document as appropriate. AARST Consortium on National Radon Standards Website: www.standards.aarst.org Email: standards@aarst.org 527 N Justice Street, Hendersonville, NC 28739-4217 The Consortium Consensus Process The consensus process developed for the AARST Consortium on National Radon Standards and as accredited to meet essential requirements for American National Standards by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has been applied throughout the process of approving this document. Continuous Maintenance This standard is under continuous maintenance by the AARST Consortium on National Radon Standards for which the Executive Stakeholder Committee has established a documented program for regular publication of addenda or revisions, including procedures for timely consensus action on requests for change to any part of the standard. User tools are also posted online as they become available (such as templates for field notices, inspection forms). For access to details: (www.standards.aarst.org/public-review) Notices Notice of right to appeal: Bylaws for the AARST Consortium on National Radon Standards are available at www.standards.aarst.org/public-review. Section 2.1 of Operating Procedures for Appeals (Appendix B) states, “Persons or representatives who have materially affected interests and who have been or will be adversely affected by any substantive or procedural action or inaction by AARST Consortium on National Radon Standards committee(s), committee participant(s), or AARST have the right to appeal; (3.1) Appeals shall first be directed to the committee responsible for the action or inaction.” Disclaimer: The AARST Consortium on National Radon Standards strives to provide accurate, complete and useful information. The AARST Consortium on National Radon Standards will make every effort to correct errors brought to its attention. However, neither the AARST Consortium on National Radon Standards, its sponsoring organization the American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists nor any person contributing to the preparation of this document makes any warranty, express or implied, with respect to the usefulness or effectiveness of any information, method or process disclosed in this material. Nor does AARST or the AARST Consortium on National Radon Standards assume any liability for the use of, or for damages arising from the use of, any information, method or process disclosed in this document. It is the sole responsibility of radon practitioners using this standard to stay current with changes to the standard and to comply with local, state and federal codes and laws relating to their practice.