MS-QA_06-2019 rev5
MS-QA 2019 13 Companion Guidance Section D— Example QA Plan Manual include repeating the measurements. If analysis reveals repeated results at a rate that is outside established control limits, corrective action is required. 2.4.2 Passive Detector Blank QC Checks Blanks are detectors that are not exposed or left open for measuring the air in a room. Blanks are conducted and processed at a rate of 5% of test locations or a maximum required of 25 per month for each detector type or model. Blank detectors placed in the field and those processed for evaluation of storage or shipping are to be identified in records. Evaluations are made to verify the absence of effects on test results from sources other than the air being tested. Corrective Action: If analysis of blanks reveal measurements that exceed minimum detectable concentration limits for the measurement system, investigation to identify the cause and corrective action is required and could include repeating measurements previously conducted. 2.4.3 Passive Detector Storage Storage locations are to be monitored for high radon concentrations, high humidity or extreme temperatures and blanks are also used to ensure against the potential of introducing detector error. 2.4.4 Passive Detector Spike QC Checks Spikes are conducted in coordination with an approved radon chamber at a rate of than 3% of the devices deployed for field measurements with six per month being the necessary maximum and no less than three per year for each detector type or model. Evaluations are made to provide evidence of a continued accurate measurement system operation by comparing reported spike analyses results to approved radon chamber results that correlate to a recognized reference authority for radon concentration. Corrective Action : If analysis of spike reveal measurements that exceed acceptable limits for disagreeing with an approved radon, investigation to identify the cause and corrective action is required and could include repeating measurements previously conducted. 2.5 QUALITY CONTROL IN REPORTING MEASUREMENT RESULTS Our organization resolves to control quality of reported measurement results. 2.5.1 Personnel Staff members authorized for oversight and release of radon measurement reports are to be individually certified for radon measurement services. 2.5.2 Data Validation Valid data must be bracketed in time by documented, within-limits QC checks, and instrument checks, data flagging and reporting for unusual results. Maintain ongoing log of “Blank” QC checks and any corrective actions Maintain log of storage location QC checks Maintain ongoing log of “Spike” QC checks and any corrective actions Quality Control of Test Reports
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