MS-QA_06-2019 rev5
MS-QA 2019 12 Companion Guidance Section D— Example QA Plan Manual are to be brought to the attention of the QA manager or person responsible for approving the release of measurement reports. 2.3.7 Radon Systems Where a mitigation system or efforts to mitigate radon are observed, the onsite technician is to record general description of the mitigation system observed and whether it appeared to be operating. The onsite technician should also record a description of any temporary radon mitigation strategies that are not permanent installations. 2.3.8 Collocated (side-by-side) Duplicate/Comparison QC Checks Onsite Tracking: The onsite technician is to document the location and serial numbers of collocated (side-by-side) devices, including duplicate or comparison QA check devices. 2.3.9 Blank QC Checks Onsite Tracking: The onsite technician is to document the location and serial numbers of blank detectors placed in the field. 2.3.10 Weather Onsite or Office Tracking: The onsite technician or designated staff member is to document a description of weather conditions during the test to include the range of outdoor temperatures, precipitation, wind and any storms or high winds that are unusually severe for the location being tested. 2.3.11 Health information Onsite technicians that describe radon risk in writing or verbally are to provide health risk information in accordance with the EPA's Citizens Guide; EPA's Home Buyers and Sellers Guide, and in accordance with State Radon Program requirements as applicable. Office Tracking: Evidence of training (classroom and annual staff review) is to be documented and confusion or complaints by clients should be reviewed to add consistency to clarity on information provided by all technicians. 2.4 DEVICE QUALITY CONTROL Our organization resolves to control quality by collecting, analyzing and retaining evidence of quality control for each device/detector model or type. 2.4.3 All Devices — Duplicate/Comparison QC Checks Duplicates or crosschecks are deployed at a rate of 10% of all measurement locations. Evaluations verify that there have been no increases in the measurement system imprecision since the last passing QC check or calibration. Corrective Action : If these evaluations indicate the relative percent difference between the two devices have exceeded established warning and control limits, an investigation to identify the cause may be warranted and could Job Site Form should be shown in Appendices Job Site Form should be shown in Appendices Job Site Form should be shown in Appendices Staff Review no less than yearly Maintain ongoing log of “Dupe” QC checks
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