MS-QA_06-2019 rev5

MS-QA 2019 8 Companion Guidance Section D— Example QA Plan Manual 1.8 Planning Our organization resolves that: Efficient use of technology, personnel, and materials requires our commitment to planning; The elements of this quality program serve as the basic structure of staff quality commitments; and planning is to be considered an opportunity to ensure functions that are consistent with and fulfill specified requirements of quality goals and procedures. 1.9 Suggestions and Complaints Our organization commits to a timely and professional process for accepting, assessing, and responding to suggestions and complaints. Records of suggestions or complaints are evaluated during routine review of the QAP for determining how alternative resolutions are considered and implemented. 1.10 Corrective Actions Records of corrective actions are to be included in routine internal assessments of the QAP and evaluated for how the proposed remedies were implemented and how their effectiveness is verified. 1.11 Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Our organization resolves to standardize relevant aspects of services provided in written procedures. 1.12 Calibration Our organization resolves to control quality for instruments and test equipment employed in conjunction with radon measurement services to include, among other quality checks, the use calibrated test equipment and laboratory services who demonstrate calibration when achieving and maintaining certifications. 1.13 Worker Protection Plan Our organization resolves to maintain a worker protection program 1.14 Other _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Commit to planning Your complaint policy Response to quality problems Commit to standardized procedures Commit to calibration Commit to worker safety