MS-QA_06-2019 rev5
ANSI/AARST MS-QA 2019 38 Radon Measurement Systems Quality Assurance Consensus Body ANSI/AARST MS-QA Radon Measurement Systems Quality Assurance MS-QA Consensus Body Members Deep appreciation is both expressed and deserved for several years of contributions in time and wisdom provided by the following experts. Chair: Melinda Ronca-Battista (AZ) Stakeholder Group Delegate Affiliation (Educators) Brian Hanson (KS) Midwest University Radon Consortium (MURC) (Educators alternate) Jim Burkhart (CO) Western Regional Training Center (Non-Regulated States) Clay Harwick (KY) Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection (Regulated States) Mark Versch (NE) Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (Regulated States alternate) Rick Welke (IA) Professional Consultant (Federal EPA) Jani Palmer (DC) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (Proficiency Program) Shawn Price (NC) National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP) (Proficiency Program alternate) Bill Angell (MN) National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP) (Mitigation Prof.) Leo Moorman (CO) Professional Service Provider (Mitigation Prof. alternate) Terry Howell (GA) Professional Service Provider (Measurement Prof.) Darioush Ghahremani (CA) Professional Service Provider (Measurement Prof. alternate) Tamara Linde (OR) Professional Service Provider (Building Inspectors) Nate Burden (PA) Professional Service Provider (Chambers) Phil Jenkins (OH) Bowser-Morner (Chambers alternate) David Wilson (TN) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Charcoal Lab) David Grammer (NJ) RAdata Inc. (Alpha Track Lab) Tryggve Ronnqvist (SE) Radonova (CRMManufacturer) Rick Straub (OH) femto-TECH, Inc (CRMManufacturer alternate) Carlos Avery (MD) Envirolabs (Electret Manufacturer) Lorin Stieff (MD) Rad Elec, Inc. (Scientist) Michael LaFontaine (CN) Physics Solutions Inc. (Scientist alternate) Mike Kitto (NY) New York Department of Health (retired) (Environmental Cons.) Myca Bruno (NC) Professional Service Provider Assistance Team: Gary Hodgden (KS) Assistance TeamMembers included: Nanci Hemberger, Joanna Mandecki and Erin Brown
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