MAMF_with 1-21 Revisions

Conducting Measurements of Radon and ANSI/AARST MAMF-2017 with 1/21 Revisions Radon Decay Products in Multifamily Buildings 5 2.6 Client Communications 2.6.1 Designing a plan for testing Prior to designing a testing plan, the person(s) responsible for quality procedures shall obtain or attempt to obtain information about the building(s) to identify test locations that comply with this standard. 2.6.2 Client advisories prior to testing During initial interactions or in proposals, the client shall be informed in writing regarding; a) Test plan options that comply with this standard; b) Required quality control for closed-building conditions; c) The normal occupied building operating condition that prevails during the greatest amount of time each year for similar local buildings, in accordance with Normative Appendix A ; and d) Requirements for a valid measurement at all test locations in each building and the possibility of delays and additional expense when test locations are not readily accessible or where requirements for closed-building conditions are not observed. 2.6.3 Client authorizations Prior to testing, the client shall be requested in writing to provide confirmation regarding: a) who is authorized by the client to receive test data and any limits the client requests or requires on disclosing test data or results, and b) at which junctures during the process that the client requests or requires data to be provided. Note— Exhibit 1 provides an example form for seeking to obtain client authorizations. 2.6.4 Client commitments Prior to testing, the person(s) responsible for quality procedures shall obtain or attempt to obtain a signed statement from the client, or client’s authorized agent, and facilitating staff members regarding: a) Commitments to aid quality control of closed-building conditions. b) A commitment from the onsite supervisor(s) to: 1. distribute notices prior to testing for both occupants and other staff members, and 2. provide timely access to all test locations. c) A commitment from the HVAC or building operations supervisor(s) to ensure that building conditions required to achieve reliable radon tests are met. This commitment shall include: 1. providing information about HVAC systems when requested, and 2. affirmation prior to testing that HVAC system(s) have been reviewed and adjusted, as needed, where systems include automated or manual controls or dampers for: a. variable outdoor air ventilation, and b. variable air volume distribution (VAV) systems Note 1— Exhibits 2 , 3 , 4 and 5 provide example forms for meeting these requirements. Note 2— Exhibit 6 describes HVAC systems of concern that may be encountered.