MAMF_with 1-21 Revisions
Conducting Measurements of Radon and ANSI/AARST MAMF-2017 with 1/21 Revisions Radon Decay Products in Multifamily Buildings 8 stored for more than 30-day durations. Alternatively, where storage locations are monitored under an ongoing program, monitoring records shall be made available upon request that verify inventories are stored in an environmentally controlled location that prevents unintended exposure to radon , high relative humidity and extreme temperatures beyond manufacturer’s recommendations. 2.8.4 Spiked measurements required For CAD, ATD and EIC measurement methods, requirements a) and b) of this Section 2.8.4 are required to provide evidence of continued accurate measurement system operation by comparing reported spike analyses results to a recognized reference authority for radon concentration. a) The number of spiked measurements conducted and analyzed for each detector configuration associated with the testing project(s) shall be not less than 3% of EIC detectors and not less than 3% from each lot of CAD and ATD detectors placed into local inventories. Exception: For each detector configuration associated with the testing project(s), the maximum required is six spikes per month for both EIC detectors and from each lot of CAD and ATD detectors with no less than three spikes conducted each year; and b) Spiked measurement results from EIC detectors and from each lot of CAD and ATD detectors associated with the testing project that are also associated with other quality control activities shall be acceptable to include for meeting test project reporting requirements in Section 8.4 . 2.9 Coordinate Notifications Informative Advisory —Failure to comply with required test conditions is most likely to occur when building staff and occupants are not properly informed about the necessary test conditions. 2.9.1 Prior notification of facilitating staff Once a testing activity is confirmed, the property management team shall be instructed in writing to distribute notices of radon testing that inform and appropriately instruct individual facilitating staff members, such as authorized building supervisors, maintenance staff, teachers or office managers. Notifications for facilitating staff shall comply with requirements in a) and b) of this Section 2.9.1 . a) Instructions shall be provided for distributing notices for both tested and non-tested units, and for posting of publicly viewable notices. The occupant notices provided shall include: 1. Scheduled dates and times for test device placement and retrieval; 2. Essential closed-building requirements portrayed in Table 4-A and that these conditions are required no later than 12 hours prior to the test and throughout the test period; 3. Information on how to obtain federal or state radon health guidance; and 4. Local contact information for inquiries, such as the authorized building supervisor. Note— Exhibits 3 and 4 provide examples of occupant notifications. b) In addition to coordination of access, instructions shall be provided for duties required of facilitating staff , such as closing windows and adjustments to HVAC units or controls. Note— Exhibit 5 provides an example of written instructions for building operations staff. 2.9.2 Prior notification of occupants The property management team shall be instructed and informed in writing to post notices of radon testing , as applicable, and distribute notices of radon testing no less than 24 hours prior to testing to all occupants in all buildings being tested.
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