MAMF_with 1-21 Revisions

Conducting Measurements of Radon and ANSI/AARST MAMF-2017 with 1/21 Revisions Radon Decay Products in Multifamily Buildings 6 2.7 Assemble Building Information 2.7.1 Records A method to record and track activities for each test location shall be established prior to testing, such as creation or procurement of floor plan diagrams for recording and tracking details. For tested areas, records shall be updated during test procedures: a) to match current addresses, b) the current use of non-residential rooms, and c) building foundation types such as slab-on-grade, basement and crawl space foundations in the building being tested. Note— Exhibit 7 provides an example of a floor plan diagram. 2.7.2 Building operating conditions Planning and conducting measurements require identification of the normal occupied building operating condition that prevails during the greatest amount of time each year. The predominant building operating condition reported and used for testing procedures shall be based on climate examples in accordance with Normative Appendix A. Planning and conductingmeasurements additionally require identification of conditions that temporarily inhibit clear characterization of radon hazards. These are conditions that do not exhibit regularity for at least intermittent periods during a test regarding: a) activity of heating or cooling system blowers, where applicable to the HVAC system, and b) negative air pressure in the lowest portions of the building relative to outside air. 2.7.3 Unique sectors Each area served by a unique HVAC system shall be classified as a unique sector. When planning, or no later than when conducting measurements, actions are required to account for temporary conditions that can adversely affect reliability of the test result(s) where HVAC systems are designed with: a) Variable outdoor air ventilation; b) Variable air volume (VAV); c) Return-air ducts laid in soil; and d) HVAC setback for non-residential locations. 2.7.4 Test devices needed The number of test devices for each test procedure shall include all planned test locations relative to the test procedure as specified in this standard and those additionally required for quality control . 2.8 Test Device Quality Control Any person or team conducting radon or radon decay product measurements shall establish, maintain and follow a quality assurance plan that complies with ANSI/AARST MS-QA “Radon Measurement Systems Quality Assurance.” Among other things, MS-QA requires a system to record and monitor the results of quality control check measurements and training qualifications of staff.