MALB_2014 with 1-21 Revisions
Conducting Measurements of Radon and Radon ANSI/AARST MALB-2014 with 1/21 Revisions Decay Products in Schools and Large Buildings 25 8.0 TEST REPORTS 8.1 Conventions 8.1.1 Units and Rounding When reporting radon gas concentrations, the unit of measurement shall be picocuries per liter ( pCi/L ) reported to only one digit after the decimal (e.g., 3.2 pCi/L ). Where the average of two measurements produces a second decimal digit that is “5” or greater, the value shall be rounded up. For example, 3.95 pCi/L shall be reported as 4.0 pCi/L. Exception: Where conventionally appropriate, reports that use Becquerel per cubic meter (Bq/m ³ ) as the unit of measurement for radon gas concentration activity shall be permitted. 8.1.2 Averaging Measurement results reported in summary reports, on floor-plan diagrams and in other test result narratives shall be reported in accordance with requirements a) and b) of this Section 8.1.2 . a) Collocated (side-by-side) measurements Where collocated (side-by-side) measurements were conducted, the average of valid results shall be reported in accordance with Section 7.2 . Measurement devices located more than 8 inches (20 cm) from the outer surface of each other shall be regarded as being in separate locations. Measurements made in separate locations shall not be averaged. b) Follow-up measurements At each location where short-term detectors are used for follow-up testing under the Extended Testing Protocol prescribed in Section 5.3 , the average of initial and follow-up test results shall be reported in accordance with Section 7.2 . 8.2 Summary Reports All reports shall include a summary report that complies with all requirements in this Section 8.2 . 8.2.1 Essential information Essential information provided in summary reports shall include all requirements in this Section 8.2 .1. a) Measurement company The name, address and contact information for the company or entity responsible for the overall quality of content provided in the test report shall be provided; b) Site location The complete address with zip code of the building(s) measured shall be provided; c) Scope of the measurements conducted A summary of testing conducted shall be provided to include identification of the testing protocol used for testing, such as ANSI/AARST MALB, and a description of: 1) The intended purpose of the testing procedure, 2) The measurement system to include method and test devices or detectors used, and 3) The dates when the testing was conducted. d) Laboratory The name, address and relevant certification or license number(s) of the service or organization(s) used to analyze detectors shall be provided;
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