MALB_2014 with 1-21 Revisions
Conducting Measurements of Radon and Radon ANSI/AARST MALB-2014 with 1/21 Revisions Decay Products in Schools and Large Buildings 17 Figure 5.4 Extended Testing Option Flowchart 5.4.2 Long-term test option Mitigation decisions are permitted to be based solely upon testing that is conducted with a long-term test device at each test location where the test period meets requirements in Section 5.1.4 to account for seasonal conditions and either: a) the test location is a residential dwelling or living space, or b) the test location is non-residential with HVAC systems that are not operated differently during nights and weekends compared to when occupied by the majority of workers or students. Note—Test periods employed for this purpose in the U.S. are commonly those greater than 90 days. Tests that are longer than 2-7 days can reduce the influence of short-lived temporary conditions on test results. However, regardless of test duration, any correlation between the test result and the annual average radon concentration depends upon building conditions during the test. 5.5 Testing A Single Room or Dwelling Note— Section 6.1.3 adds additional required conditions when testing only individual rooms or dwellings. 5.6 New Construction For buildings constructed with radon -resistant features, initial testing shall be conducted normally, such as required in accordance with either Section 5.3 Time-Sensitive Testing Option or Section 5.4 Extended Testing Option . 5.7 Post-Mitigation Testing Protocols Testing after mitigation efforts shall be conducted in accordance with Section 7.3 where effectiveness is judged based on one test event with one or more test devices at each location to be tested.
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