
CC-1000 Soil Gas Control Systems in New Construction of Buildings CC-1000 Soil Gas Control Systems During New Construction of Buildings Introduction Table of Contents 1 SCOPE 1 1.1 General 1 1.2 Significance of use 1 1.3 Applicability 1 1.4 Non-normative optional provisions 1 1.5 Limitations 1 2 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS 2 3 REQUIREMENT SUMMARY 3 3.1 General 3 3.2 Soil gas vent systems required 3 3.3 Air pressure within the building 3 3.4 Materials and specifications 3 4 SOIL GAS COLLECTION PLENUMS 3 4.1 General 3 4.2 Plenum size calculations 3 4.3 Soil gas vent systems per plenum size 3 4.4 Collective expanses and plenum size 4 4.5 Joined plenums 4 4.6 Joined soil gas vent systems 4 4.7 Limiting plenum and vent system size 5 4.8 Garages not required if ventilated 5 5 PLENUM CONSTRUCTION 5 5.1 Close the bottom of the plenums 5 5.2 Close the sides of the plenums 5 5.3 Foundation drain systems 5 5.4 Footings and joined plenums 6 5.5 Gas permeable layers 6 5.6 Duct sizes 8 5.7 Soil gas inlets and airflow capacity 9 5.8 Transition connection to exhaust vent 10 5.9 Test ports 10 5.10 Prior to concrete or soil gas retarders 10 6 CLOSE THE TOP OF THE PLENUM 11 6.1 General 11 6.2 Closure of concrete floors. 11 6.3 Crawl space earthen floors 12 6.4 Soil Gas Retarder Materials/Installation 12 6.5 Inspection prior to indoor finishings 13 7 PRESSURE FIELD EVALUATION 13 7.1 General 13 7.2 Test port locations 13 7.3 Test port design 14 7.4 The PFE evaluation 14 8 SOIL GAS EXHAUST VENT PIPE 14 8.1 General 14 8.2 Slope 14 8.3 Air and water leakage 14 8.4 Pipe routing and thermal insulation 14 8.5 Pipe support 15 8.6 Exhaust vent pipe equivalent length 15 8.7 Piping materials 1 5 8.8 Joints 15 8.9 Provision for ASD fan(s) 15 8.10 Labels required for exhaust piping 16 9 EXHAUST LOCATIONS 17 9.1 General 17 9.2 Outdoors 17 9.3 Directional spread (restrictions) 17 9.4 Straight-line trajectory (restrictions) 17 9.5 Elevation above grade 17 9.6 Roof 17 9.7 Separation from openings & people 18 9.8 Protection from debris 18 9.9 Increase distances-large systems 18 9.10 Inspect the exhaust vent pipe 18 10 COMPLETION OF SYSTEMS 19 10.1 Labeling or marking required 19 10.2 Systems with no active fan 19 10.3 Activation for ASD 19 11 HVAC EVALUATIONS REQUIRED 20 11.1 General 20 11.2 Controlled negative pressure 20 11.3 Appropriate design 20 11.4 Controls 20 11.5 Label monitors, controls and startup 20 11.6 Documentation of evaluations 20 11.7 HVAC use - supplemental mitigation 20 12 DOCUMENTATION 21 12.1 Operation & maintenance plan - staff 21 12.2 OM&M manual 21 12.3 OM&M recommend to test for radon 23 13 CONSIDERATIONS: CHEMICAL VAPOR 23 NON-NORMATIVE OPTIONAL ANNEXES Annex A Inspections for compliance 25 Annex B Fans required 25 Annex C Test kits 25 Annex D Test prior to occupancy 26 EXHIBITS (sample inspection forms) 27 REFERENCED PUBLICATIONS 30 CC-1000 CONSENSUS COMMITTEE MEMBERS 27 CC-1000 COMPANION GUIDANCE Understanding soil gas entry and control CG 1 Using this Companion Guidance CG 1 Step-by-step—designers and teams CG 1 Sections 1-4 Overview of design CG 2 Sections 5-7 Where the building meets soil CG 3-9 Sections 8 Vent pipe CG 1 0 Sections 9 -13 Exhaust, completion, evaluat e air pressures, OM & M and chemical vapor CG 1 1 Annexes: Protective Choices CG 12 Examples of common ASD fan sizes CG 12