
Soil Gas Control Systems ANSI/AARST CC-1000 2018 in New Construction of Buildings 21 SECTION 12: DOCUMENTATION 12.1 Operation and maintenance plan A written operations and maintenance plan for the mitigation system(s) shall be created that is suitable for distribution to maintenance personnel and other appropriate parties to provide tools for operating and maintaining systems. The plan shall include stipulations in Section 12.1.1 through Section 12.1.3 : 12.1.1 A description of systems Documentation of installed systems shall include narrative that describes: a) basic operating principles; and b) system components that are also labeled on a floor plan diagram, which may be complemented with photographic documentation. 12.1.2 Designated responsibilities Documentation shall include a statement that indicates what party or parties are responsible for maintaining and monitoring the effectiveness of the mitigation system(s). 12.1.3 Active systems (ASD and/or non-ASD) If active systems are installed, the plan shall include all applicable details stipulated in Table 12.1.3 a nd information regardi ng fan monitors shall be prominen tly displayed to include: a) A description of the fan monitor(s); b) A routine inspection advisory to check the monitor(s) at least quarterly or as otherwise specified in an operational and maintenance plan; c) Documented startup parameters such as pressure gauge readings that existed at the time successful mitigation was initially achieved; and d) A list of actions to take if the fan monitor indicates system degradation or failure. 12.2 OM&M manual. To provide essential tools for future efforts in long-term risk management, a written operations, maintenance and monitoring (OM&M) manual for the mitigation system(s) shall be created and distributed to appropriate parties upon completion of the project. The OM&M manual shall include all of the following components: 12.2.1 The operation and maintenance plan as required in Section 12.1 . 12.2.2 Service contact information Documentation shall include contact information for design or service inquiries and identification of the persons responsible for adherence to these protocols to include: a) Name, address and phone number; b) Relevant radon mitigation certification and/or licensing number; and c) Signature (manual, or electronic in conformance with the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce [E-SIGN] Act). 12.2.3 Records of inspections , as required, for compliance verification (e.g., Exhibits 1 , 2 and 3 ). 12.2.4 Records of PFE diagnostics conducted in accordance with Section 7 and other diagnostic information. 12.2.5 A written evaluation and related actions regarding natural and mechanically induced negative pressure in enclosed spaces that adjoin soil and garages in accordance with Section 11 . 12.2.6 Any adverse conditions observed Documentation shall include a description of any important observations that might adversely affect the mitigation system(s) or other building systems and any deviations from this standard or state requirements. 12.2.7 Other essential information for future reference and operation or repair considerations shall be provided either in an information package that contains the OM&M plan or independently distributed, to include: a) Pre- and post-mitigation test data if available; b) Copies of contracts and warranties; c) Copies of building permits when required and available; and d) An estimate of the annual operating costs. 12.2.8 A recommendation that a copy of all testing reports for radon and other soil gases be kept with the OM&M manual should be included to facilitate long- term risk management and future operation and maintenance of the system(s).