SGM-SF_2017with 12/20 Revisions

Documentation—Chemical Vapor Intrusion 58 ANSI/AARST SGM-SF 2017 (with 1220 revisions) Soil Gas Mitigation Standards for Existing Homes Historic Information Other essential information provided for future reference and operation/repair considerations shall include: a) Pre- and post- mitigation test data if available; b) Pre- and post- mitigation investigation summary; c) A copy of the occupant information package; d) Copies of contracts and warranties; e) Any building permits required; and f) An estimate of the annual fan electrical usage Stewardship Guidance The qualified soil gas mitigation professional shall include guidance recommendations in the client Operations Manual for post- mitigation monitoring events and testing in accordance with Table 13.7 , unless otherwise established in coordination with the overseeing professional . Informative example: “ Initial evaluations for system effectiveness should entail indoor measurements of chemicals or substances of concern. Additional evidence of effectiveness should be sought to include measurements of pressure field extension (PFE) and any other surrogate means deemed appropriate to aid verification of effectiveness. Confirmation of continuous effectiveness depends upon repeating indoor measurements and other procedures under various weather conditions to complete at least one evaluation of seasonal impacts on system effectiveness. Comparisons of all information gained from these monitoring events can be useful when developing strategies for long-termmonitoring and stewardship. The initial monitoring event should normally be conducted by the designated member of the project team no sooner than 2 weeks after mitigation unless specified differently by a regulatory authority (e.g., when acute risks are present). Other optional surrogate methods to aid verification of effectiveness of reducing soil gas entry, such as measuring indoor radon gas, should be included in post- mitigation monitoring events, as appropriate. In addition, measurements of concentrations within ASD piping can be useful when source depletion is anticipated and a baseline is needed for comparing against future measurements. Ongoing monitoring events that include inspection of mechanical components and pressure field extension are recommended each year. Ongoing monitoring events that include tests of indoor air concentrations are recommended every two years.” Statement of Client Obligations To inform the client regarding inherent obligations of the building owner and managers to maintain an OM&M plan, the following statement shall be included with the client operations manual: “ Stewardship Required. Current and future occupants or purchasers of the property should be able to verify by documentation that the minimum requirements of an operation, maintenance, and monitoring plan ( OM&M ) have been maintained. Essential requirements for long-term risk management are satisfied when building owners and managers: 1) Perform maintenance inspections as stipulated in the operational and maintenance plan and, at a minimum, recommend that occupants check fan monitors at least quarterly to verify system operation. 2) Maintain equipment, any annotation on equipment and any instructions (including documentation for control settings that existed at the time successful reductions were initially achieved). Ensure that system components and any system controls are inspected as recommended in the OM&M plan. OM&M plans often recommend yearly inspections and inspections by a qualified professional every 2 years. 3) Conduct monitoring events and testing as recommended in the OM&M plan; 4) Disclose the existence of the mitigation system and its purpose for protecting health and safety to current and future occupants or tenants. 5) Disclose the OM&M plan and all known relevant history including this statement of inherent obligations to prospective purchasers of the property.”