
MS-PC 2015: Performance Specifications for Instrumentation Systems Designed to Measure Radon Gas in Air Page 1 of 20 MS-PC Performance Specifications for Instrumentation Systems Designed to Measure Radon Gas in Air 1 SCOPE This standard specifies minimum performance criteria and testing procedures for instruments and/or systems designed to quantify the concentration of 222 Rn gas in air. These are consistent but general performance criteria applicable to the wide variety of radon measurement devices used for indoor measurements, primarily in residential environments or buildings not associated with the possession or handling of radioactive materials. Also included is a description of documentation necessary for demonstration of compliance with this standard. This initial edition of the standard addresses performance criteria for radiological and environmental parameters only. This standard does not address the calibration or other quality assurance requirements for the use of the instruments and/or systems, or the measurement of other isotopes of radon such as 220 Rn and 219 Rn or progeny of any radon isotope. This initial edition of the standard does not address interference from isotopes of radon other than 222 Rn, grab sampling methods, mechanical and electrical issues related to the devices, or performance criteria for laboratory equipment that might be used to analyze devices, such as a gamma-ray spectroscopy system for analyzing a charcoal canister. Sampling periods of less than 1 hour in duration are explicitly excluded from consideration in this standard. Although the performance criteria could be adopted for use in a certification program, such a program is beyond the scope of this standard. 2 PURPOSE This standard provides guidance to manufacturers and/or laboratories regarding minimum performance criteria for their instruments or measurement systems with the associated tests that they should perform, or have performed by a third party, to demonstrate compliance with the standard. Such tests shall be conducted in a Standard Test Atmosphere for Rad on (STAR) as defined in Section 4. Tests conducted under conditions other than the controlled conditions of a STAR are insufficient to determine whether the requirements of this standard have been met. 3 INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW In 1992, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published Indoor Radon and Radon Decay Product Measurement Device Protocols as guidance for devices that were to be listed in the EPA’s National Radon Proficiency Program. This EPA program was privatized in 1998. Because there remained a need for consensus standards related to radon measurements in homes, schools and other buildings, radon mitigation, measurement devices, quality assurance, etc., the American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (AARST) created under its auspices the AARST Consortium on National Radon Standards to promulgate a series of standards to address these issues. This standard is one in that series. The primary aim of this standard is to identify minimum performance criteria for devices or systems used for measurements of radon in indoor environments for the purpose of determining whether or not the home or building should be mitigated to reduce the radon concentration below an applicable guideline concentration. However, this standard may be useful for devices or systems for measuring radon in other circumstances. Devices that are used to measure radon for the purpose of compliance with federal or State regulations related to the possession or handling of radioactive materials may require additional or more restrictive criteria than set forth in this standard.