MALB_2014 with 1-21 Revisions

Conducting Measurements of Radon and Radon ANSI/AARST MALB-2014 with 1/21 Revisions Decay Products in Schools and Large Buildings 24 3. Where mitigation methods rely on HVAC mechanical systems to provide dilution or pressurization of indoor air, testing shall include: a. All locations required in Section 3 within each unique sector mitigated, and b. At least one measurement in each adjoining sector served by a different HVAC system. 7.3.3 System Performance Testing Performance testing mitigation systems by testing only locations where elevated radon concentrations have been found shall not be reported as clearance testing verification that a building has been fixed. Performance testing mitigation systems shall be limited to evaluations of active systems prior to clearance testing or related to maintenance of active systems.