MALB_2014 with 1-21 Revisions

Conducting Measurements of Radon and Radon ANSI/AARST MALB-2014 with 1/21 Revisions Decay Products in Schools and Large Buildings 12 4.0 TEST CONDITIONS REQUIRED 4.1 Closed-building protocol requirements Closed-building conditions, as they are for occupied conditions in winter heating seasons or summer cooling seasons, in accordance with Tables 4-A, 4-B , 4-C and Section 4.2 are required to be: a) initiated 12 hours prior to the test for tests lasting less than 4 days, and b) maintained throughout the test period for tests lasting up to 90 days. Table 4-A ESSENTIAL CLOSED-BUILDING PROTOCOL REQUIREMENTS Windows Keep closed on all levels of the building including areas not being tested Exterior doors (except for momentary entry and exit) Heating and cooling systems Set to normal occupied operating conditions with normal temperatures between 65˚and 80˚ F (18˚ - 27˚ C) Systems that temporarily ventilate with outdoor air for seasonal comfort or energy savings Set to the lowest seasonal ventilation Bathroom fans Operate normally Exhausts Systems (that temporarily draw air from the building such as from laundries, workshops, community kitchens or for local control of fumes) Avoid excessive operation Fireplaces (that burn solid, liquid or gas fuels unless a primary/normal source of heat for the building) Do not operate 4.2 HVAC Ventilation 4.2.1 Outside air for combustion appliances Openings to outside air designed to provide air needed for combustion appliances shall not be closed. 4.2.2 Ventilation with outside air Where HVAC operation or design includes temporarily increasing outdoor air ventilation for seasonal comfort or energy savings, outside air inlet dampers shall be configured to provide only the minimum volume of outdoor air that is needed at all times of the year when the building or unique sector is significantly occupied . Note—Further descriptions are provided in Exhibit 6 for Group 3 HVAC systems. 4.2.3 Temperature control via air volume For variable air volume ( VAV) systems that temper room temperatures using thermostats to vary the volume of heated or cooled air coming into rooms, thermostats shall be set to a normal occupied temperature in all portions of the building being tested that are served by the system. Note—Further descriptions are provided in Exhibit 6 for Group 4 HVAC systems. 4.3 Upper Floor Rooms and Dwellings Note— Sections 6.1.3 adds specific required conditions when not testing adjoining rooms or dwellings.